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Term 3 – Week 4 – Wednesday 4th August 2021

It may be a year late but the Tokyo Olympics are well underway. The Olympics are full of unforgettable moments that inspire us, bringing together people of different backgrounds. As a proud Tasmanian, I, along with the whole nation have watched Ariarne Titmus, who grew up and was educated in a Catholic school in Launceston, take home 4 medals in the pool, two of them gold. Launceston has many similarities to our location in regional Australia, including being the same population as Albury/Wodonga.

Term 3 – Week 2 – Wednesday 21st July 2021

The medieval mystic Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer you said in life was ‘thank you’, that would be enough.” It sounds simple, however, there is more to gratitude than it seems. Gratitude or being grateful doesn’t necessarily mean saying thank you all the time but that we create in our lives an atmosphere of worth. Not just our own worth but conveying to people who are part of our lives that we value them – that they are worthy as well. And intrinsic to that, I believe, is being grateful to God for the fact that we are in relationships that give meaning to our lives.

Year 1st Excursion to murray art museum Albury (MAMA)

Term 2 – Week 10 – Wednesday 23rd June 2021

In the past five school weeks, I have conducted approximately 30 interviews for prospective ‘new’ Kinder 2022 families. There are more than 30 school families (siblings) that have also applied for a place for their child in 2022 and will be interviewed early in Term 3.

Year 6 peer support program

Year 2 Class Update

Term 2 – Week 6 – Wednesday 26th May 2021

Our society needs all sorts of people for it to function effectively. We all know that doctors, cleaners, farmers, plumbers, builders, teachers are just some of the occupations that are required to ensure we can all live effectively. Each one of these people has a job to do. It will always be important that these roles are fulfilled effectively.


Term 2 – Week 8 – Wednesday 15th June 2022

Just being ?enough?and hum ble?
Many of us feel like we need to work hard and give of ourselves extensively in order to make a difference. We feel like we have to accomplish BIG and IMPORTANT things ? sometimes over and over again ? to justify our existence and self-worth. We see others making change or influencing people and we feel obliged to, and responsible for doing the same in our own work

Term 2 – Week 6 – Wednesday 1st June 2022

Helping Your Child Re-energies School can be exhausting for some children. There are so many things to do and for them to consider during the day. Have you noticed that children sometimes come home from school tired and grumpy?

Term 2 – Week 4 – Wednesday 18th May 2022

My parents from Tasmania have spent an extended period of time staying at our house over the past month. During this time we have enjoyed looking at old photos and telling stories of our family history and our childhoods. These stories and photos evoke memories of the times we enjoyed together.