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Term 4 – Week 11 – 14 December 2021

THANKS FOR 2021 ?Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.?(Brian Tracy) 2021 has been a year like no other in so many different ways. Each one of us has many memories of our school year. We would like to acknowledge and give thanks to all members of our community for your contributions to our school in 2021.

Term 4 – Week 9 – 1st October 2021

It’s always Popular to Bewail the Deterioration of manners; there is an often Quoted(and often disputed) story about Socrates’s Complaining That the young Athenian’s have bad manners, Contempt for authority. But the age-old  parental job remains.

Term 4 – Week 7 – 17th November 2021

The traditional African proverb ?It takes a village to raise a child has been widely quoted when examining the partnerships required to raise healthy, happy and well adjusted young people who can function independently within society. Such partnerships start with you, their parents and your immediate and extended families

Term 4 – Week 5 – 3rd November 2021

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all as members of the Holy Spirit School community for the past fortnight. It has been an incredibly busy and stressful time for everyone. As a team, if we work together we will come out of the current Covid situation safe and healthy.

Term 4 – Week 2 – Wednesday 13th October 2021

Last weekend a large number of our Year 3 students celebrated their First Eucharist. During the celebration of the Mass just before the Prayers of the Faithful, all those in attendance recited The Creed.


Term 3 – Week 4 – Wednesday 10th August 2022

On Friday last week at our assembly, I was incredibly humbled to be acknowledged by the school community on Primary Principal?s Day. It was lovely to hear the choir sing and the very kind words by Mr Michael, our School Captains and the Kinder students. I am incredibly lucky to have a very committed staff to work with each day, and a team is more powerful when it works together

Term 3 – Week 2 – Wednesday 27th July 2022

A new term brings renewed energy and optimism. In the 5 years that I have called Albury home, I think it has been the coldest winter, but things are starting to change. We are closer to Spring than Winter. The days will continue to get longer and in a little under 10 weeks our students can be wearing summer uniform again. It is a chance for all of us to make renewed efforts to be our ?best self?

Term 2 – Week 10 – Wednesday 29th June 2022

This week we conclude our second Term of 2022. It has been a term where the school has started to look more like the old days, with a sense of normality. What memories will you take away from the last 10 weeks?