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Term 1 – Week 11 – Wednesday 6th April 2022

Well? what a term! Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience and support as we negotiated the easing of the Covid restrictions as well as the reintroduction of many school events and activities.

Term 1 – Week 9 – Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Term 1 is always a busy term, however I feel like this term it’s been busier than usual. Perhaps this is because the Covid restrictions have been lifted and our students and staff are able to do so much more than we have done in the past couple of years. Our school is a hive of many different activities and experiences that enrich the lives of the students and our lives in many different ways.

Term 1 – Week 7 – Wednesday 9th March 2022

Kindness – I had the privilege of teaching Year 1PV on Friday afternoon, where our focus was on the importance of kindness. A clip that the students watched was about kindness and the  importance of paying forward.

Term 1 – Week 5 – Wednesday 23rd February 2022

There will always be moments in our lives that drain, flatten or even disappoint us. There are always moments that surprise and energies us, giving us a surge of pride. On a daily basis, our students allow us the privilege to see the positive spirit at play at school and beyond.

Term 1 – Week 3 – 9th February 2022

I hope you have had a relaxing break and enjoyed the beginning of the 2022 school year. It is great to see so many smiling faces enter the school gates again this year. It is a privilege to work in our school community, and we look forward to working with you throughout the year ahead. A warm welcome is extended to everyone. We especially welcome the new families to our school. This week we welcome 13 new students in Years 1-6. Another 53 smiling Kindergarten students began their exciting Holy Spirit journey with us yesterday.


Term 3 – Week 10 – Wednesday 21st September 2022

Friday marks the final day for Term 3. We have much to be proud of in the past 10 weeks. Some of our achievements and events include:
– Parish/School Masses
– NAIDOC celebrations
– Installation of our new Drink Stations

Term 3 – Week 8 – Wednesday 7th September 2022

Last Sunday, we celebrated Father’s Day. We openly talk about fathers, stepfathers, foster fathers, grandfathers, uncles and the loved men in our lives. Many of us are blessed to have a combination of father figures who love and support us.

Term 3 – Week 6 – Wednesday 24th August 2022

If we surveyed all parents, I am confident it could be any of the above in a variety of combinations, with parents having different prioritized reasons as to why they choose to send their children to Holy Spirit School.