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Term 4 – Week 4 – Wednesday 6th November 2019

When people remember individuals who have helped them, teachers are often at the top of their list. Teachers shine a light ahead to places that students can’t yet see: a place where students find their unique talents and use them. Teachers help students reach their potential. A teacher doesn’t just provide lessons and assessments; a teacher is also a motivator, a psychologist, a crowd-control expert, an IT expert, a performer, a nutritionist, a literacy advocate, a nurse, and a recipient of shiny apples and the pure love of a grateful child.

Term 4 – Week 2 – Wednesday 23rd October 2019

Holiday periods for me are opportunities to reflect on many things. They provide time for me to read, time to think, time to ‘recharge’ and time to consider what lies ahead. Reading the story of St Therese was a wonderful reminder of my role in the universe.

Term 3 – Week 10 – Wednesday 25th September 2019

Over the past weeks I have been doing a great deal of reading about brain development and how the brain affects children’s Behaviour. I do this with two hats on, as both an educator and as a parent of two daughters. One particular researcher whose work resonated with me was Dan Siegal, he discusses the idea of the brain having mental “brakes” and “accelerators”.

Term 3 – Week 8 – Wednesday 11th September 2019

Many of you will have heard the aforementioned African proverb. It is often used to help us all understand the role we all play in providing support, guidance, understanding and critical love for all members of a community. In our community there are nearly 340 children, all in different phases of life’s journey.


Term 2 – Week 6 – Wednesday 26th May 2021

Our society needs all sorts of people for it to function effectively. We all know that doctors, cleaners, farmers, plumbers, builders, teachers are just some of the occupations that are required to ensure we can all live effectively. Each one of these people has a job to do. It will always be important that these roles are fulfilled effectively.

Term 2 – Week 4 – Wednesday 26th May 2021

Many mums across Albury (and beyond) on the weekend would have been spoiled as part of Mother’s Day, as they should! Mothers and women in general are under appreciated and un-recognised in their role within the family and society in general.

Term 2 – Week 2 – Wednesday 28th April 2021

It is with great joy that I welcome everyone back to school for Term 2. This time last year we were operating remotely so it is certainly an exciting prospect to be welcoming everyone to school onsite. Once upon a time we would have taken for granted children physically attending school.