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Term 1 – Week 6 – Wednesday 4th March 2020

“The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every
day.” (Anonymous) What would it take to make you happy? Think about your answer for a moment, because we have reasons to be happy every day, even if the world around us seems to have come unglued.

Uniform Policy

Term 1 – Week 4 – Wednesday 19th February 2020

Last Monday 10th February our school held its annual swimming carnival at the Albury Swim Centre. Despite experiencing a mixture of weather conditions the students swam their best and displayed great sportsmanship throughout the day.

HSS PBL Flowchart Insert

Term 1 – Week 2 – Wednesday 5th February 2020

I hope you have had a relaxing break and enjoyed the beginning of the 2020 school year. It is great to see so many smiling faces enter the school gates again this year. It is a privilege to work in our school community, and we look forward to working with you throughout the year ahead. A warm welcome is extended to everyone, we especially welcome the new families to our school.

Term 4 – Week 8 – Wednesday 4th December 2019

335 students live, work and play together for almost 200 days of the school year at Holy Spirit. Each one of our children brings a different personality, different understandings, different tolerance levels and a different ability to cope. One of the greatest joys of being in our school community is knowing that each child is different. Our hope for each child is that they learn from experience, grow from doing and develop a greater appreciation from others for coexisting.

Term 4 – Week 6 – Wednesday 20th November 2019

“We all need people who give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” (Bill Gates)
I wonder how many times a day we give or receive feedback? The more I pondered this question the more I realized that there were far too many times to count them. Each morning most have the pleasure of greeting family members.


Term 3 – Week 2 – Wednesday 21st July 2021

The medieval mystic Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer you said in life was ‘thank you’, that would be enough.” It sounds simple, however, there is more to gratitude than it seems. Gratitude or being grateful doesn’t necessarily mean saying thank you all the time but that we create in our lives an atmosphere of worth. Not just our own worth but conveying to people who are part of our lives that we value them – that they are worthy as well. And intrinsic to that, I believe, is being grateful to God for the fact that we are in relationships that give meaning to our lives.

Year 1st Excursion to murray art museum Albury (MAMA)

Term 2 – Week 10 – Wednesday 23rd June 2021

In the past five school weeks, I have conducted approximately 30 interviews for prospective ‘new’ Kinder 2022 families. There are more than 30 school families (siblings) that have also applied for a place for their child in 2022 and will be interviewed early in Term 3.

Year 6 peer support program

Year 2 Class Update