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Term 4 – Week 2 – Wednesday 21st October 2020

Holiday periods for me are opportunities to reflect on many things. They bring time for me to read, time to think and time to consider what lies ahead. Last weekend I was reading a piece of scripture that is a narrative about healing, gratitude and worship (Kings 5:14 – 17). I was immediately drawn to reflect on the many life threatening issues taking place in and around our world.

Term 3 – Week 10 – Wednesday 23rd September 2020

In such a trying year, it has been easy to look at the negative or the things that haven’t gone our way. One thing that has come to the fore is our interpersonal relationships, especially with those close to us, in particular our loved ones. As a parent and as an educator, it has been incredibly challenging.

Term 3 – Week 8 – Wednesday 9th September 2020

The medieval mystic Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer you said in life was ‘thank you’, that would be enough.” It sounds simple, however, there is more to gratitude than it seems. Gratitude or being grateful doesn’t necessarily mean saying thank you all the time but that we create in our lives an atmosphere of worth.

School Holidays Program Insert

Term 3 – Week 4 – Wednesday 12th August 2020

Holy Spirit School has been given the opportunity by Centro Lavington to display some of our children’s artwork. Thank you to those students who were happy to display their work which is a credit to them, and to the teachers for their dedication in inspiring and encouraging our students through their art.


Term 4 – Week 11 – 14 December 2021

THANKS FOR 2021 ?Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.?(Brian Tracy) 2021 has been a year like no other in so many different ways. Each one of us has many memories of our school year. We would like to acknowledge and give thanks to all members of our community for your contributions to our school in 2021.

Term 4 – Week 9 – 1st October 2021

It’s always Popular to Bewail the Deterioration of manners; there is an often Quoted(and often disputed) story about Socrates’s Complaining That the young Athenian’s have bad manners, Contempt for authority. But the age-old  parental job remains.

Term 4 – Week 7 – 17th November 2021

The traditional African proverb ?It takes a village to raise a child has been widely quoted when examining the partnerships required to raise healthy, happy and well adjusted young people who can function independently within society. Such partnerships start with you, their parents and your immediate and extended families